Hymns we sing?
I'm not sure of the original source of this piece, but I found it in my grandmother's notes about the book of Revelation. "The singing of a hymn should be a great experience for us--it can be a testimony, a praise, an invitation to others. Someone has written some interesting comparisons on the hymns we sing: We sing, 'Sweet Hour of Prayer' and content ourselves with ten or fifteen minutes a day. We sing, 'Oh, For a Thousand Tongues ,' and don't use the one we have for praise. We sing, 'There Shall be Showers of Blessings' but don't come when it's raining. We sing, 'Blest Be the Tie that Binds' and let the least little offense sever. We sing, 'Onward Christian Soldiers' and wait to be drafted into His service. We sing, 'Serve the Lord with Gladness' and gripe about all that we have to do. We sing, 'I Love to Tell the Story' and never mention it." Now, I know these sayings don...