Coming Home to Freedom: Being People of Integrity

Devotional Reading: Daniel 6:1-28

When we think of the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den images of a children's story often come to mind.  But if you sit and read the full text of Daniel 6 you'll discover there is much more to this story than a children's Vacation Bible School lesson.  In fact, it is a story that has been played out over and over throughout history: a group of people wanting to take down a person of authority regardless of the person's integrity or good character.  Daniel was such a man.

Daniel lived a live that was above reproach.  His integrity and skill in the political realm allowed him to govern through multiple ruling powers. In this story, Daniel is basically acting as Vice-President to King Darius. His co-presidents and the governors do not like the way he has gained the king's favor and so they decide they are going to find a way to get him out of his place of power.  The problem is that Daniel is a man of integrity and so no fault can be found in him. So, instead they go after his strength - his commitment to God. The king is played the fool and upon the advice of the other vice-presidents issues a decree that puts Daniel in a bind.  If Daniel prays he will be breaking a law.  Daniel prays regardless.

Do you have the integrity to be like Daniel?  Are you willing to stand up for God even if it means prison? Do you talk to God daily? Multiple times in a day?  Do you believe God can save you from your own lion's den?

God, help us to see you in our own times of persecution and let us remember that you are worthy of our devotion. In Jesus name, Amen.


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