Coming Home to Freedom: Persevere in Prayer

Devotional Reading: Luke 18:1-8

Bill Lacovara was fishing when he discovered a bag of unopened prayers.  These were letters to a now deceased pastor requesting his support in prayer. The requests ranged from a desire to win the lottery, to being set free from addiction, to a request for justice, to a plea for God's mercy and forgiveness. Lacovara interpreted these sealed envelopes as unheard prayers. But what he missed was that in writing the prayers the soul of the writer was heard by God. ("Letters to End up In Ocean, Unread," November 3, 2006, Wayne Perry, Associated Press)

In today's Scripture reading we are told that if even an unmerciful judge is willing to listen to a case due to a widow's unrelenting requests, we can trust that a God of love and mercy hears our prayers and will respond.  I don't know about you, but I find this story told by Jesus very encouraging.  There are prayers I have prayed over and over again that I believe God has answered with a "yes," even though I haven't yet seen that "yes." And yet, it can at times be difficult to persevere in prayer and believe God's "yes".

Sometimes I think our prayers don't seem to be answered right away, because they take time to answer.  God is patient with us not wanting any of us to parish.  God is patient with us giving us space for free will. You don't turn a boat in a minute.  You don't build a cathedral in a day.  If God is willing and the prayer is prayed according to His will, we should expect it has been answered - we just can't see the fruit yet.

Don't give up.  Be like the widow pleading with the judge.  Have faith that is greater than hers because it is placed in someone more worthy!

Dear God, Help me in my unbelief!  Help me to believe in what is unseen and to place my hope in you!


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