Coming Home to Freedom: Pray!

Devotional Reading: James 5:13-16

Pray.  It is that simple.  God wants us to talk to Him.  If you are happy - sing a prayer!  If you are sad - cry out to God!  If you know someone who is sick - bring them before God in prayer! Pray. Pray. And pray some more.

Daniel got sent to the lion's den because he prayed to God three times a day.  Elijah the prophet prayed for a drought and it happened.  The church prayed for the healing of the sick and people were healed.  Pray.

Devotional Reading: James 5:13-16 

When my husband and I first got married we decided to do a Bible study on the book of Isaiah.  In the first few chapters of our study we quickly recognized a theme in its message - God responds differently to the prayers of the righteous.

Here again in this passage we read these words, "The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective."  It does seem like some people's prayers get answered more positively and quickly than other people's prayer requests.  And it appears that as we read through the Bible, God desires for us to first repent and live a life of obedient faith - and somehow that changes how God hears our prayers. 

So, if you feel like you aren't getting anywhere with God, perhaps it is time to repent. Ask God to show you the sin that is getting in the way of your relationship with God and your fruitfulness as a Christian.  Ask God to see you through the righteousness and blood of Jesus Christ - you can do this by repenting and asking for forgiveness.  And if you still don't know what might be blocking your prayers, ask someone who you see as being humble and faithful if they know what might be blocking your way. You probably know exactly who you need to ask, but are afraid to ask because they'll tell you the truth. But if you ask someone else, only do so if you can promise not to hold their answer against them.

God invites us to commune with him through a relationship of prayer.  Will you respond?  God is waiting.  Remember: God is compassionate and kind.

God, you know better than anyone the reasons I don't come more frequently to you in prayer.  I ask that you will heal my heart, mind, attitude, and will so that I might come to you more quickly each and every day. I'm sorry for the hurt that I have caused you, others, and even myself through my sin. Please reveal to me where I need to repent and show me how.  Please forgive me, I pray. 

And Lord, I also lift up to you my brothers and sisters who are in need and I ask that you will hear their requests and respond with wisdom, compassion, and love. Heal those who are sick.  Strengthen those who are weak.  Comfort those who are grieving.  Give joy to each one and let them know they are not alone. 

And God, I give you thanks for being my Creator, Savior, and Sustainer. Help me to worship you!  Start revival within this human frame. Help me to be born again! In Jesus name, Amen.


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