Pastoral Response to Tragedy in Sutherland Springs, Texas
Dear church family,
As I am sure most of you have heard the news, a shooting took place at a church much like our own in Sutherland Springs, Texas. These tragedies that seem to be occurring more and more frequently are heart-breaking. This one stands out because we can identify as a community.
As a pastor, I think about Pastor Frank Pomeroy and what it must have been like for him to receive the news that not only did his daughter die, but his associate pastor, and many of his flock. Based upon video footage from their worship services it appears that he cares deeply for his congregation and I suspect, although it hasn’t been confirmed, that at one point he also cared deeply for Devin, the shooter. And I wonder how a man of such commitment will respond to such tragedy. And I am reminded of the story of Job, likely the oldest recorded story of the Bible. Job was a man who received news that his children had been killed, his workers killed, and his livelihood destroyed. Yet, somehow, he chose to continue in faith.
We are not alone in our suffering. This week is a week set aside internationally to pray for the Persecuted Church. We are called this week to pray for people who experience tragedies like what happened in Sutherland Springs on a more regular basis. People whose names could be added to Fox's Book of Martyrs, a record of those who have made great sacrifices in their commitment to Christ. People like Perpetua, a young mother who was condemned to death for being a Christian. Her diary of her imprisonment and the days leading up to her death have been passed down through the generations, even though her testimony is 1800 years old. Or people like Pastor John Ali Doro, who in July 2012 experienced something much like what happened in Sutherland Springs, Texas. He unfortunately witnessed an attack on his church and home in Nigeria, losing his wife, four kids, and two grandkids. You can read his story here. During his suffering, Pastor John “threw everything back to God,” he said. “I prayed God would help them to understand that this is evil so that they can stop. I also asked God to help me to be able to use my life to propagate His gospel, because I knew that I could have died in the attack.” He also explained, “But there is nothing you can do to change the situation once it’s already happened, apart from lifting it to God.”
So, what do we do in times like these? We don’t lose heart. We hold fast in prayer. We write and send encouraging cards to the people of Sutherland Springs letting them know we are praying for them. We pray for each other. And we ask God how God wants us to respond, and then we respond in faith.
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) General Minister and President Terri Hord Owens has written a piece regarding action steps that you can take to help limit the distribution of high capacity weapons. I also encourage you to write to our state legislature and city/county leaders encouraging them to invest in resources to support both those struggling with mental illness and their families. And if you know someone struggling with mental illness encourage them to find a support group.
In the meantime, don’t lose faith or hope. God has been the strength for others during times like these and God will be your strength as well.
Sincerely your pastor,
Stasia Fine
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